Mental Health
The Social Worker offers counselling and treatment for mental health issues. This includes: individual counselling/treatment; self-management of symptoms; a treatment plan and goals in partnership with patients.
Our goal is to provide timely access to services that will help improve the mental health status of patients.
The team will also help refer and connect patients to community agencies and other service providers in the community who provide mental health, addiction and psychiatric services.
The team also provides psychiatric appointments through Ontario Telemedicine Network, to help avoid long wait times while providing care in the patient's community.
Children and Youth
Mental health and developmental services can now be accessed directly through Compass through their website compassne.ca
How to Access Services at Compass - Child, Youth, Mental Health and Development (pdf)
Further Resources:
mindSPACE offers free and confidential mental health services without an appointment for children and youth under 18
The Sudbury Youth Wellness Hub addresses needs related to mental health, substance use, primary care, education, employment, training, housing and other community and social services
One Stop Talk is for youth aged 17 and under, and provides immediate access to a therapist. One Stop Talk is a province-wide virtual/phone single-session counselling service
Ontario Health offers various free services and information to assist those with Depression and Anxiety-Related concerns.